
PayPal Express Payment Setup

PayPal Express is probably the easiest, most cost effective option to begin accepting online payments.  Here's how to setup PayPal Express to use a payment option.

  1. First, you must create a business account with PayPal Merchant Services by visiting
    • A 'Standard' Account is the most reasonable starting point since there is no monthly charge, only a per-transaction fee.  This fee is subtracted from the amount paid by the customer before it is deposited into your PayPal account.  The fee is generally a cost per transaction, plus a percentage of the transaction cost.  This fee can only be passed onto the customer by marking up your online price.
      • E.g., You are selling a widget which must be sold for $10.  The online cost must be increased to $11.50 to cover your costs for using PaylPal as a checkout option and still receive $10 from the customer into your PayPal account.
      • FWIW, all non-cash purchase options (credit/debit cards) require a fee paid by the merchant for use.
      • As a note, a PayPal account also provides a credit card acceptance option with a Free card reader for smart phones, etc...
  2. Once you've created the PayPal Merchant account, you'll receive details about your account in the form of a:
    • API Username
    • API Password
    • Signature
    • These items can be retrieved in the future by visiting My PayPal; then 'My Account', 'Profile', 'My Business Info'; then click on the 'My selling tools' section of the sidebar; then click on the 'Update' link of 'API access'; then click on the 'View API Signature' link
  3. Back in Exponent, select 'Manage Payment Options' under 'Store Setup' of the e-Commerce menu.
    • Click the 'Configure' button for PayPal Express.
    • Enter the three PayPal API details into the form.
    • The 'Processing Mode' should almost always be left at the default of 'Sale' to complete the financial transaction when the customer submits their online purchase.
    • If you would like to test your setup, you may create a PayPal Developer account and enter the details into the 'Sandbox' area.  You may switch between test and real mode by enabling/disabling Sandbox mode.
    • In most cases you'll want to send the customer an email confirmation of that option in the second tab
    • And in most cases you'll want someone such as yourself to receive an email notification that a purchase has taken place.  Those details are found in the third tab.
    • Click 'Save Config' to proceed.
    • Click the button to Enable 'PayPal Express Checkout' as a payment option (green light)
  4. PayPal Express Checkout is now setup and available as a customer checkout option.
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