Logging in
In order to make edits to your website content, you first must login using your administrator credentials.
First, open your browser and type in your domain name and after the ending slash, you will need to enter the convention : logmein.php (in versions prior to v2.6.0 this was login.php)
So the end URL will be: http://www.yourwebaddress.com/logmein.php
Once you've typed in the login address, you will be prompted with a login screen:
Now enter your Username and Password, then click “Log In.” You will now enter the admin side of your Exponent CMS website.
After successfully logging in as an administrator, you will see a series of blue and green chromed “Modules” or blocks of content, edit and delete icons, and a blue Administrative Tool bar at the top of your screen. This is the Exponent CMS framework and will look as such: