
Products menu

This menu provides commands to work with products.

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Manage Products

This command allows you to manage existing products (product, event, gift card, or donation) in your e-Commerce store.


Add a Product

This command allows you to add a new product (product, event, gift card, or donation) to your e-Commerce store.


Manage Manufacturers

This command allows you to manage the list of manufacturers. Not only will the manufacturer be listed with a product, but products may be searched/grouped by manufacturer.


Manage Store Categories

This command allows you to manage store categories. Each product is expected to be assigned to at least one store category. Categories can be grouped in multi-level hierarchies.


Import Products

This command allows you to import (or update) products into your e-Commerce store. It requires the format used by the E-Commerce, Reports, Build a Product Report command. The csv file format is (MUST BE) as follows:


Manage Product Statuses

This command allows you to manage product statuses.


Manage Product Options

This is where you can manage available product options. They must be created before they can be added to a product.


Manage Definable Fields (deprecated)

This allows managing the old Definable Fields used before the integration of Exponent Forms. You should only use this if you already were using Definable Fields in eCommerce.
