
The Site Displays a Nearly Blank Page with "Resouce Not Found"

In the event you browse to the web site and see a nearly empty page with a "resouce not found" error displayed, there is a possibility the 'conf/config.php' file is missing, corrupt, or unable to connect to the exponent database. You can browse to your web site, but you only see a portion of the web site header with an incorrect style, and see a message about "resource not found."

Fix: If you are sure the exponent database is working and contains the correct tables, you must repair the 'conf/config.php settings' to point to it. 1) If you have a backup of the file, simply restore it.  2) If you don't have a backup of the file, delete the 'conf/config.php' file on the website and you'll be forced into the installation routine when you browse to the site, which will create a new configuration (you'll need to know your correct database and other settings). or 3) If your 'conf/config.php' file appears correct, your database may have changed (url, database name, user name,, and/or password), which can be corrected by editing the 'conf/confg.php' file or adding the user/changing the password of your database.

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