
Manage Product Options

You may provide user selectable options for your products/event registration which can define the type product selected (color, etc...) or at cost upgrades to a basic product (size, etc...)

Options’ allow for various options to a product which may affect the cost or weight.  The option area is referred to as an ‘Option Group’ which is composed of individual ‘Options’

  • For a product an option (group) may be included and set to either be selected single (exclusive) or multiple (may select one or more of the options in that group)
  • An ‘option’ applies to the entire item purchase (entire quantity purchased)
  • Options are typically displayed on the 2nd screen after adding an item to the cart on the customer's way to check-out.  In some cases (Online Event Registraitons, the options are displayed on the add item view.
  • Each option group is available to all products and online event registrations, and is enabled when editing that 'product'.

To create 'Options' you use the 'Manage Options' menu item.  The Option Group and Option are really no more than a organized, groupped list.  The real option definition takes place within the product itself.

  • Create a new Product Option Group, where the only setting is the Option Group name
  • Add options to the Option Group by click on the 'Add an option to the option group name' link.  Give each new option a 'Name' and save it.

Once you've created one or more Option Groups with Options, you may assign/define them within the edit product view on the 'Options' tab.

  • Each Option Group is somewhat hidden at the bottom of the tab, so you must first open it to display its settings
  • You must select the following settings for each Option Group
    • Whether or not the customer is 'Required' to make an option choice
    • Whether the option group can only have a single selection from the entire group (Select Single using a dropdown list where one option from the option group MUST always be you might want to create a 'standard' option to mean 'no options'), or each option may be selected or not (Select Multiple using checkboxes)
    • Select the checkbox by each option of the option group you want made available.  If no option is checked, that option (group) will not be presented.
    • Select and enter the amount the option adjust the price either up or down in an amount or percentage.
      • Click on the '+More' to enter the 'weight' that opton adds to the overall weight of the product.  You can only ADD weight with an option, you can not reduce it as you can with the cost of an option.
    • Finally, for 'Select Single' options, you'll need to select the 'Default' value presented to the user.  Again, for Select Single options, one option must always be selected.
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Parent Help Topic

Adding Products

A store consists of products.  Here is how to add a product, event registration, or online donation item to your store.
