{control} smarty function
The {control} tag is used to place controls within the form. Generally, the class file for each of these controls is found in the '/framework/core/subsystems/forms/controls' folder. It is called in the following format:
{control type=text name=firstname label="First Name" value=$record->firstname}
It accepts the following parameters which apply to most control types:
- type - (required) the type of control to insert. Available controls are:
- antispam
- autocomplete
- buttongroup
- checkbox
- dropdown
- radio
- radiogroup
- text
- textarea
- editor (or) html
- list
- listbuilder
- calendar
- popupdatecontrol
- yuidatecontrol
- yuicalendarcontrol
- datetimecontrol
- monthyear
- user
- state
- country
- quantity
- tags
- tagtree
- files
- filedisplay-types
- anything else becomes a generic control
- name - (required) name of the control, except buttongroup and antispam
- id - the default is to use the 'name'
- label - the label to display next to the control
- default - the initial entry in the control
- class - the style to assign to the control
- value - the object property to attach to the control
- required - the control must have a selected/entered value to pass validation
- disabled - the control is displayed, but input is disabled
- other control specific parameters are listed with that control help item
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