
Manage Order Status Codes

Order Status Codes are used to determine where in the order processing sequence a particular order is.  It is essential you create several order status codes to help you manage your order processing.  There are several settings for an order status:

  • Status Name - should be something which means something to those handling orders such as New order received, Payment received, Processing, Order has been shipped, Order complete, and/or Canceled.
  • Default - one Order Status Code must be designated as the 'Default' which means it will be assigned to all new orders and it also flags the order as 'new' (never having been processed)
  • Treat as Closed - this Order Status Code given to an order would classify this order as needing no more processing (unless there was a return/refund)
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e-Commerce Order Setup

To properly handle orders, you must ensure some settings are established.
