
Minify Configuration

'Minify' is a process to compress scripts and stylesheets to reduce transfer size.  These settings allow minify to conform to individual server settings.

The Maximum age of browser cache in second determines the cache duration.

The Maximum # of files that can be specified in the 'f' GET parameter determines the number of filenames that are allowed to be passed in one line.  Some server php.ini settings shorten this as a security measure.  If minify seems to break the page style, reduce this number.

The Length of minification url determines the length of the url passed on one line.  Some server php.ini settings shorten this as a security measure.  If minify seems to break the page style, reduce this number.

The Enable logging of minify error message to FirePHP allows debugging messages to be sent to the browser debugger.

The Minify inline css styles turns on/off minification of inline styles on a page.

The Minify inline css styles using JSMIN turns on/off minification of inline styles on a page however the.

The Minify .less/.scss compiled stylesheets turns on/off minification of the .css files created when a .less or a .scss file is compiled.

The Minify and Combine linked css styles turns on/off minification of linked stylesheets and groups multiple links together.

The Minify inline javascript turns on/off minification of inline javascript code on a page.

The Minify and Combine linked js scripts turns on/off minification of linked javascript (js) files and groups multiple links together.

The Combine YUI2 items turns on/off combing the links to YUI2 library files.  This tends to be more problematic, therefore the default is turned off.  Most YUI2 items are already minified.

The Combine YUI3 items turns on/off combing the links to YUI3 library files.  This tends to be more problematic, therefore the default is turned off.  Most YUI3 items are already minified.