Module Specific Settings
Most modules have settings specific to that module which are grouped under the name of the module. However, there are some common settings which may be found in this group of settings.
Sort by - this determines how the items are arranged/sorted when displayed. Several options might include:
- Alphabetical, or reverse Alphabetical
- Date (Added, Updated, Published, etc...) Ascending (oldest to newest) or Descending (newest to oldest)
- Rank (manual ordering, ordered by sequence of creation)
- Random
Body Text - this determines how much of the item's content is displayed in the 'showall' view. Generally this is:
- Full - entire content with all formatting
- Summary - first paragraph with no formatting
- None - the content will not be displayed
Display Printer-Friendly and Export-to-PDF Links - this determines if those links are available.
Only show Featured Items - this will limit the items displayed to only those marked as 'featured'
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