The News module does just what it's name implies. It allows you to add news to your website. It also has the added ability of letting you syndicate your new via RSS, or pull RSS syndicated news into your site.
You can specify the date in which your news items should become published or visible on your website, and a date in which your news item should expire. You can manage your expired or unpublished news items if you'd like to re-publish articles to adjust the publish and expiration dates, and any other content about your news articles you like.
When adding a news module to your container, you're presented with two content action to Show all News with several content display options: Default and Headlinesor display Tags with one content display option of List.
Selecting the Default as your content display will display all your news items, displaying your news titles within Heading 2 <h2> tags, along with your body content based on the module's configuration. Any files added to your news item will be displayed in accordance to your module's Files configuration. The Module Title displays in a Heading 1 <h1> tag.
Selecting Headlines as your content display will display a list of Headlines and Dates un an unordered lists. The Module Title will display within a Heading 2 <h2> tag by default. This makes the Headlines view perfect for displaying recent news items in a side column of your website.
Selecting the Tags action with the List display will display the news item tags in a cloud.
News offers 10 areas of general configuration News, RSS Pull, Aggregation, Ealerts, Facebook, Files, Pagination, RSS, Tags andTwitter.
In the general News configuration tab, you can configure whether or not to show only featured items, along with how to handle your body content, showing the full article, summarize by showing the first paragraph only, or hide the body content all together.
RSS Pull
Within the RSS Pull configuration tab, you can add RSS feed URLs, building out a list of sources to pull in and display through your news module.
The Module configuration tab allows you to control several aspects of how this text module is displayed
The Aggregation configuration tab allows you to display news items from other news modules added in other parts of your website. Within this configuration tab, you'll see a list of checkboxes displaying the Module Title of the news items, and the page that they are on. An option to suppress the editor's ability to edit a news item aggregated from another source is also available.
A great use-case would be to have a page in your website called News, where you've added a news module, and news items on that page. On your home page, you have another news module shown in Headlines display. By configuring the news module on your homepage to aggregate the content from your news page, you'll be displaying any news items added to the news module on your news page, right on your home page.
Ealerts can be turned on using this tab. An ealert is an email that is sent out to users who 'subscribe' to the module. The sending of this ealert can also be somewhat automated by these settings.
This tab allows configuration of some Facebook friendly features for a news post such as hidden information which is used by Facebook when sharing a link, or adding a 'Like' button the news item. or allow simultaneously posting as a Facebook status if properly configured.
Within the Files configuration, you're presented options as to how you'd like to display files that you're adding to your news articles.
The pagination tab presents options for the number of articles to display per page, along with where you'd like to display your pagination links: Top and Bottom, Top Only, Bottom Only, or none at all.
RSS configurations offer the ability to publish an RSS feed of your news module. You can give a title and description to your feed, along with the ability to show or hide the RSS link within your module.
Allows you to disable the use of tags with news items.
This tab allows configuration of some Twitter friendly features for a news post such as hidden information which is used by Twitter when sharing a link, or adding a 'Tweet' button the news item. or allow simultaneously posting as a Tweet if properly configured.