e-Commerce Online Event Registration Module Setup
Here's how to setup your site to allow Online Event Registration for your customers
If you've correctly set up eCommerce, your payment option (PayPal Express is the simplest, or Pay Later for pay at the door), you are all set for site visitors to register for event(s).
- First, you must complete the initial setup of eCommerce or have completed installation using the sample store database.
- The type of 'shipping option' you activate is irrelevant, since 'event's are not 'shipped.' However, you MUST active one of them for the purchase process to fully complete. 'Free' shipping is the simplest to set up.
- (CAUTION) You MUST only activate a payment option(s) which forces your customer to provide payment. Exponent e-Commerce can be used as a POS (Point of Sale) type system and several of the payment options require the payment take place in-person.
- Then activate the 'Online Event Registration' module and insert it on a page. There are three actions 'Show All Events', 'Calendar View' and 'Upcoming Events', each of which has a 'Default' view, with the Show All Events action also having an additional 'Headlines' view.
- Create a new Event from that module
- Enter a title, description, number of seats available, event date, start time, end time, no registrations after date, price, and at least one main image for the event
- The other fields are optional and really only provide additional 'text' for the event display if added (event location, end date, file attachments, waiver, etc...).
- The event now appears within the module.
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