
Using Smarty

Smarty tags are used to display variables passed from the controller to the view.  It it also used to manipulate those variables or act in response the the passed variables.  This gives us tremendous power over the display of dynamic data.  In fact, it's entirely possible to elminate the need for using many different templates by placing more complex programming to act on the variables being passed to the template.

For example, here is the view template we use to display all the text items in a module:

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2011 OIC Group, Inc.
 * Written and Designed by Adam Kessler
 * This file is part of Exponent
 * Exponent is free software; you can redistribute
 * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
 * General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * GPL:

<div class="module text showall">
    {if $moduletitle}<h1>{$moduletitle}</h1>{/if}
        <div class="module-actions">
            {if $permissions.create == 1}
                {icon class=add action=edit `rank`=1 text="Add text at the top"|gettext}
            {if $permissions.manage == 1}
                {`rank` items=$items model="text" label="Text Items"|gettext}
    {foreach from=$items item=text name=items}
        {if $text->title}<h2>{$text->title}</h2>{/if}
			<div class="item-actions">
				{if $permissions.edit == 1}
					{icon action=edit record=$text}
				{if $permissions.delete == 1}
					{icon action=delete record=$text}
        <div class="bodycopy">
            {filedisplayer view="`$config.filedisplay`" files=$text->expFile id=$text->id}
			<div class="module-actions">
				{if $permissions.create == 1}
					{icon class=add action=edit `rank`=$text->`rank`+1 text="Add more text here"|gettext}
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