Content Editor Settings
This setting selects and configures the What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) and Code Snippet editor(s) used to edit content on the web site. It also allows customization of the editor 'skin', buttons, and other options. Currently, CKEditor and TinyMCE are the available editors.
The Toolbar Manager allows the administrator to select the editor used by the system, and create and manage custom toolbars for the WYSIWYG editor.
- The green dot
shows which toolbar configuration is active. Click on an inactive toolbar configuration indicator
to activate it.
- You can preview a toolbar configuration by clicking on its name.
- The remaining columns display various option settings.
- The action column allows you to manage that custom toolbar. The "Default" toolbar configuration is the built-in standard one which can not be edited, nor can it be deleted.
You may also select a Syntax Highlighting Editor and color theme for editing Code Snippet module items.
Additional Help Topics
CKEditor Toolbar Configuration
Here you can select the editor toolbar skin, default settings, additional plugins to load, a custom toolbar button definition, or custom style, font, or format drop-down lists for the CKEditor WYSIWYG editor.
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TinyMCE Toolbar Configuration
Here you can select the editor toolbar skin, default settings, additional plugins to load, a custom toolbar button definition, or custom style, font, or format drop-down lists for the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor.
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TinyMCE v5 Toolbar Configuration
Here you can select the editor toolbar skin, default settings, additional plugins to load, a custom toolbar button definition, or custom style, font, or format drop-down lists for the TinyMCE v5 WYSIWYG editor.